US Airways is one of the largest airlines in the world, especially after its merger with American Airlines. While it’s been a good move for the company, it has made it a bit more complicated to log into their online US Airways Wings portal.
If you’re wondering where you need to go to log into the US Airways Wings website, this guide explains the process from start to finish. Read below and follow the steps to access the database successfully.
Go to the Website
The first step to log into US Airways Wings is to go to the company’s website: wings.usairways.com. Because US Airways is now owned by American Airlines, you should see a button on the website to take you to American Airlines’ corresponding employee portal, JetNet.
Click this button to go to the JetNet website. If you’d prefer to save a bit of time, you can also navigate to JetNet directly from your browser. The web address is newjetnet.aa.com.
Remember that the US Airways Wings portal is only built for employees of US Airways! The information contained behind the login screen is confidential and designed to be accessed only by company employees. If you don’t work for US Airways, you won’t be able to log in via Wings.
Enter Your Credentials

Once you’ve navigated through to JetNet successfully, the next step is to enter your login credentials into the website.
If you’ve reached the proper JetNet website, you should see two fields for you to fill out. The first field asks for an American Airlines login ID, while the second requires you to fill in your password.
Type your American Airlines employee ID into the first box. This should be a six-digit employee identification number. Type your US Airways password into the second box. Your password to log into JetNet should be the same as any older password you may have used, even if you set up the old password back on the original US Airways Wings website.
If you’re a new user, click the text below the login button that reads “First Time User?” This will take you to a page where you can set up employee credentials for yourself to use in the future.
Once you’ve entered your information into both fields successfully, you can click the login button and access the employee center.
Mobile Login

To log into US Airways Wings on a mobile device, simply follow the same steps as above on a mobile browser. Type the web address into your browser app, then enter your login credentials to access the platform.
US Airways Wings doesn’t have a dedicated app right now, which means you’ll have to do everything via mobile browser.
That’s all it takes to log into US Airways Wings! If you have the website address, just proceed there and enter your information to access the platform.
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