On this page, we will be detailing the key rules and regulations that govern our website, LoginGuide.co. By reading the content of this page, you implicitly agree to abide by these rules. If you have anything you would like to clarify regarding our terms of use, please feel free to contact us.
Our terms of use are designed to maintain a pleasant environment and ensure smooth communications between our team and our users. We reserve the right to change our terms of use as we feel necessary, without prior notification. For this reason, we recommend you revisit this page to note any changes that may have occurred.
Intellectual Property
All the content on LoginGuide is the sole property of the LoginGuide authors, unless specified otherwise. As such, this content is subject to international copyright laws. By content, we refer to any materials posted on our website, including text, images, videos, etc.
Because our content is protected by copyright laws, authorized use of this content is subject to certain limitations. In the following sections of our terms of use policy, we will present what constitutes authorized use of LoginGuide content, as well as what constitutes unauthorized use of LoginGuide content.
Please make sure you read these sections carefully, and understand these restrictions. If there’s anything you are unsure about, please ask us. We do not take responsibility for any issues that may arise as a result of misunderstandings on the part of the user.
How You May Use LoginGuide and LoginGuide Content
The content on LoginGuide is available to anyone for review purposes only. This means LoginGuide materials are available only for personal use. By personal use, we mean the individual user may extract information, and use it in a non-commercial, non-promotional way, to inform themselves about the topic at hand.
Users may also quote or reproduce content from LoginGuide, but ONLY if they respect the following stipulations:
- Before citing our website, you must ask the authors’ permission.
- If you receive the author or authors’ permission, you may cite our content on your website AS IS.
- When citing our material, make sure you mention the original source, LoginGuide. The source must be mentioned clearly and visibly, such that any reader may easily see and acknowledge it.
- We reserve the right to deny permission for any reason we deem appropriate. We have an obligation towards our authors to protect their intellectual property and integrity.
Unauthorized Use of the LoginGuide Website and LoginGuide Content
As mentioned in the previous section, all the materials and content on LoginGuide are the property of the LoginGuide team. Anyone who wishes to cite materials from our website must ask permission to do so.
Using our materials without our permission constitutes a violation of the copyright laws that protect our authors’ intellectual property rights. This holds true in cases in which you have asked for our permission and we denied granting it.
Our materials may be used for educational purposes under the following conditions:
- You must ask our permission and explain how and where you are going to use our materials.
- If you receive our approval, you must use the content as agreed upon by you and our authors.
- You must mention the original source clearly and visibly, with a link back to our website.
- You cannot alter the material in any way.
Similar restrictions as the ones outlined here apply to the use of our website in general. LoginGuide is an informational website. You cannot use it for any self-promotional or commercial purposes whatsoever.
User Conduct and User Interactions
We encourage our users to interact amongst themselves and to communicate with our website authors. We hope to create a pleasant environment for all our users. As such, we have created a set of guidelines to regulate user interactions. We hope these guidelines will ensure all our users will feel comfortable at LoginGuide.
Users may ask questions, share opinions, and discuss articles and article topics freely in the comments section of our website.
When writing in our comments section, users are not allowed to:
- Use vulgar or obscene language
- Post vulgar or obscene content (including article links, images, videos, etc.)
- Write deliberately misleading information
- Become aggressive towards other users
- Write discriminatory remarks or offensive statements
- Post self-promotional content or advertising
Any users who do not abide by these stipulations can be banned from using the comments section without prior warning.
The comments section is public, and anyone who has access to our website can view comments. Our team generally reviews comments before approving or denying them. However, to protect your personal privacy, please avoid posting personal information in your comments. Personal information may include full name, home address, work address, or phone number. Any comments that include this type of information will most likely be removed.
Limitations of Liability
By using our website, you agree to our terms of use policy and promise to respect the rules and regulations stipulated herein. Please ask our team for clarifications, if you feel there’s something you are unsure about.
We do not take responsibility for any negative consequences you may incur as a result of not reading or not understanding our terms of use policy.
At LoginGuide, we do our best to keep all the information provided in our articles up to date. However, we do not take responsibility for any damages that may occur as a result of your misuse of our content or the information therein. Likewise, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided on our website. We cannot be held accountable for any changes that may occur outside of our website, since they are beyond our control. We hope you acknowledge and respect the fact that we will be unable to update information as soon as something changes.
If you want to learn more about how we collect, store, and use data from our users, read our Privacy Policy.